Malvs / Nobile 1942


Hiding a secret! There is nothing more natural because no one, not even science, will ever be able to dig into our minds and hearts. Even the truth machine is not infallible. Hidden and overwhelming truths hide imperturbably in our subconscious and force us to manipulate reality to make it perfect for others.
 Evil lurks in each of us and we hold it in check: envy, cowardice, contempt, hatred can lead us if exasperated to unimaginable and unmentionable acts. The secret will remain hidden in a casket within us and only comes out when we speak to ourselves in front of a mirror: because we cannot escape from ourselves alone. Unless a tempting devil does not free the secret from the chains.
 Malvs is a mix of sacred (incense) and profanus (apple) notes perfectly blended!

Nuty głowy
olibanum i różowy pieprz

Nuty serca
kadzidło, cedr atlaski, mirra, bursztyn i cypriol

Nuty Bazy
haitańska wetyweria, wanilia i australijskie drzewo sandałowe


